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Here Are Some Of The Best Fonts For Logos | L+L Printers

Written by SanDiegoPrinter | August 02, 2021

An expertly designed logo is the perfect way to make a great first impression on any potential customer. If every aspect of the logo is expertly crafted, just looking at it is enough for an individual to understand the basic outline of your brand. That is why it is essential to obsess over every single detail in your logo, including the font.

There are a seemingly infinite number of fonts to choose from, so which fonts will work best for your logo? Below, we have chosen a few of our favorite fonts for logos to get you started.


If you want to convey a sense of purpose and resourcefulness, Oswald is the perfect font for your logo. The font is easy to read and works well with a number of different supporting fonts, allowing you to have flexibility in your design choices.

Cooper Hewitt Thin

When designing a logo, many opt for big and bold fonts. However, sometimes more subtle fonts can be more effective, and Cooper Hewitt Thin is an elegant thin font that works great on logos. With thinner fonts, the contrast between bold imagery and thin wording can make for an exciting final product.

Source Serif Pro and Source Sans Pro

These two fonts work together like peanut butter and jelly, combining to make an aesthetically pleasing final design. By using one of these fonts as a header and the other as a subheader, you create a visually aligned logo that is easy on the eyes.

Roboto Condensed 

Roboto Condensed is a very versatile font, as it is perfect for both oversized headers and long paragraphs of copy. When reading Roboto Condensed copy, the words seem to simply melt off the page, as the rhythm of the writing is visually conveyed to the reader.

Bebas Neue

The first word that comes to mind when looking at Bebas Neue font is “tidy”. The font does not take up any unneeded space and does not come with any of the bells and whistles. However, it is condensed and simple, allowing your imagery and other details to take center stage.

Archivo Black

If you are looking to convey strength, Archivo Black is a great choice. The simplistic round style combined with bold typeface makes for an imposing choice that pairs well with other fonts. Make a strong statement with Archivo Black.


Lora is a graceful font that gives your copy a sense of elegance and class. Its soft and playful appearance is alluring to the eye, giving the reader a sense of comfort. If you are looking to charm your target audience, Lora may be the best choice.

Design and Print Logos at L+L Printers in San Diego

Make your brand stand out from the pack by designing and printing your logo at L+L Printers in San Diego. L+L Printers specializes in crafting intricate new logos, and we can help you choose the best font to truly tell your company’s story. There are so many fonts to choose from, so you are better off trusting design experts to find the perfect brand for your logo.

If you are interested in learning more about designing logos, contact L+L Printers in San Diego today by calling (760) 477-0321.