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Raffle Ticket Printing Service For Fundraiser Events & More | L+L Printers

Written by SanDiegoPrinter | May 09, 2022

Raffle Ticket Printing Service For Fundraiser Events & More by L+L Printers

At any fundraiser event, the raffle is the main event. Everyone in attendance is excited to see if they are holding the golden ticket that will earn them exciting experiences and prizes. What most raffle enthusiasts fail to think about is the printing process behind this much-loved lottery, and below we detail everything you need to know about raffle ticket printing services for fundraiser events and much more.

Why Print Raffle Tickets?

A raffle is a great way to raise money for a charity, school or other organization in need. First, you need somebody to donate a few valuable items to your organization to raffle off. Then you will sell raffle tickets for your fundraiser guests, usually at around $1 a ticket. At that point, your organization is basically printing money, earning a profit on the free donated items. Not only does a raffle help your organization raise money, but it also builds excitement and anticipation for your fundraiser event.

The Benefits of a Raffle Ticket Printing Service

Many raffle organizers take the cheap and lazy way out and simply buy generic red tickets for their raffles. While this does get the job done on the most basic level, a raffle ticket printing service provides a number of exciting benefits. 

Have Branded Imaging on Your Raffle Tickets

A raffle ticket printing service allows you to put your logo, as well as other branding, right on the raffle ticket. It is always important to build brand recognition, and a well-run organization cannot miss out on a good branding opportunity. Remind your patrons what they are supporting with brand messaging right on the ticket.

Sell Advertising Space on the Back of the Ticket

Use your raffle tickets to raise even more money for your organization by selling the advertising space on the back of the raffle tickets. Reach out to potentially interested businesses and see if you can get paid to feature their ad on the back of each and every raffle ticket.

Easily Write Customer Information on Perforated Stubs

The generic red raffle tickets typically only feature a number on them, and there is no space for patrons to write down their contact information. While in many cases this does not end up being an issue, sometimes people leave early without even knowing they won the grand prize! Custom raffle tickets allow you to specify what contact information you will need to reach out to the winner if they are not present.

Provide Information About Your Organization

If you pay to purchase a raffle ticket, chances are that you will look at your potential winning number closely. It is rare that you get a potential customer's attention for that long, so take advantage by providing information about your organization. State your mission statement, phone number, address, email, and other essential information.

Raffle Ticket Printing Service in San Diego at L+L Printers

If you are organizing a fundraising event with a raffle, you need to print custom raffle tickets to really put your event over the top. At L+L Printers in San Diego, we specialize in high-quality printing, and we can print unique and engaging raffle tickets for your next event. Not only that, but we will help you during every step of the design process so that you create the perfect raffle ticket for your specific needs. If you are interested in learning more about our raffle ticket printing services for fundraiser events or you would like a quote on the cost of printing, contact L+L Printers in San Diego today by calling (760) 477-0321.